Works Update - August 2022

Welcome to our site works update for August

While Peabody is preparing for the residents to move back into the West Wing (Floors 1-5). The EQUANS site team have been and are currently scheduled to carry out asbestos surveys in the North and East Wings.

As it has been previously mentioned, access was needed to some properties, but those who's apartments that have to be accessed will be notified ahead of time.

Remedial Appointments

As some of you are preparing the move back into the finished wing, remedial appointments have been scheduled. A member of the EQUANS site team will come to inspect the apartment and note any issues, please use this opportunity to update the site team of any issues in your apartment(s).

Garden Pass Update

The current passes will be expiring at the end of September 2022.

For those that want to renew or receive a card this year, a letter will be sent out for you to complete. The information that will need to be provided will include your name and flat number. This information will then be collected by Peabody's office at a later date.

A reminder will be sent out at the final week of collection in case some of you forget.

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