Site team achieve top marks from Considerate Constructors Scheme!

The Equans site team at Chelsea Court received an amazing score of 45/45 from their recent audit visit by the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) after scoring top marks in each of the three categories.

On 17th October, a CCS monitor visited the scheme and carried out their audit of the site, commenting things like "This is an excellent project which is demonstrating robust commitment to the CCS Code of Considerate Practice. The site was seen to be very clean, tidy and well organised. The provision of a site specific microsite is commendable. Emphasis is placed on consideration for the elderly residents and the site team strive to ensure that there is minimal disruption whilst the works are in progress."

The CCS is an independent organisation founded to raise standards in the construction industry to ensure all construction sites present an image of competent management, efficiency, awareness of environmental issues and above all neighbourliness. Monitors from the scheme regularly audit our sites to ensure we are adhering to the scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice which is designed to encourage best practice beyond statutory requirement.

Each audit is split into three categories; respect for the community, protecting the environment and valuing the workforce each with a potential score out of 15 with a total combined max score of 45 available. To score above 13 in any category warrants an excellent level of achievement for that category.

Congratulations to Site Manager, Sergiu and the rest of the site team, who work so hard every day to maintain such high standards

Click here for a short video to celebrate our score.

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